
Daybreak #1-2

Created by New Pain Productions

Thrilling second issue! In the battle of her life, Daybreak turns to her arch-enemy for help! Plus, a new edition of Daybreak! #1.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Survey reminder with extra zest
over 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 07:28:18 PM

Hey Daymakers,

Couple of "action items" today. 


As I type this, 80% of you have filled out and returned your surveys. That's a pretty high follow through, thanks for that! If the other 20% of you wouldn't mind completing yours, New Pain needs to get order numbers to the printer next week. This printer is also producing the coffee mugs, t-shirts, limited edition print set and other prints as well as fulfilling the campaign so its one stop shopping this time. We want to get them off on the right foot. 

I should have the printers proof of the second issue any day now and I'm excited to see the book in all its four-color glory. 


It was announced the other day that I have joined forces with the mighty ZESTWORLD digital comic platform and I'm very excited at the new opportunities this will present to build a community around both my work-for-hire and creator-owned projects.  Presently, I'm offering Daybreak! #1 free to new subscribers and I'm hopeful it will help to grow the readership of our little book, which will in turn help us create new issues at a faster pace. So maybe a win/win for all of us!

There are both free and paid subscriber tiers to my Zestworld page, which I admittedly still need to put some work into designing. But if you enjoy these updates, I'd love it if you signed up to the email list because I'll be going DEEP, BABY! With tons of exclusive content, both to the free and paid tiers. I literally have so many behind-the-scenes stories about DC Comics, for example, that I've been waiting for the right opportunity to share. 

You can join my little community right HERE and here's an added bonus: a lot of my friends, like Peter Tomasi and Alex Segura, are also a part of Zestworld. Feel free to check them out while you're there!

Thanks, guys. The rest of you, get cracking on those surveys!

Your pal,

Keith Champagne 

Digital Download link- MEGA PDF
over 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 05:02:50 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Surveys ahoy!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 09:16:35 PM

Friday already, Daymakers? The week sure did fly by!

Wanted to send another brief note to let you know the rest of the surveys have been released into the wild. So check your inbox and if you don't see it, try that spam folder for good measure!

All the files for Daybreak! #2 (and the reprint of #1) were delivered to the printer yesterday so we'll lock orders in a couple of weeks and get these books printed and shipped.


There's been some unexpected difficulty distributing the digital reward this time around from Backerkit's end.

Those of you that solely picked up Daybreak! #2's digital edition will have a link to download the MEGA-PDF in two chunks. 

Those of you that are receiving the MEGA-PDF as part of another tier (coffee mug, t-shirt etc) will be receiving a Kickstarter update/link sent early next week to your reward tiers that will enable you to download the file directly from Dropbox.  So keep an eye out for that on Monday and by all means, let us know if you enjoy the second chapter of Daybreak's adventure!

Your pal,

Keith Champagne

Smoking actually is good for you
over 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 12:47:19 PM

Good morning, Daymakers!

Wanted to shoot out a quick note to let you know that the smoke test surveys have been sent out this morning.  5% of you should have the survey in your email even as I type these scintillating words!

Barring any unforeseen issues with the surveys, the remaining batch will be going out on Friday of this week. I'll also explain how the digital distribution is going to need to be conducted this time, due to issues on Backerkit's end with handling the file.  

More soon, thanks as always for all the support!

Your pal,


over 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 07:55:43 PM


How's everyone doing out there this fine, rainy (back east) Monday? I'm just returned from a whirlwind week in Minnesota, land of Tom Nguyen, where a convention was attended, the Mall Of America was explored, New Pain business was discussed and several flights were delayed.

In Daybreak! news, Kickstarter has completed processing the funds and we're all set to move forward, get this book printed, and sent out to all of you.

We'll be running the Smoke Test through Backerkit on Wednesday of this week and, as long as there are no issues to address, the remaining surveys will be going out on Friday.  We'd ask that you complete your survey quickly, within two weeks, so we can get the printer our order totals and get the presses moving and grooving.  The plan is to have the campaign fulfilled by the second week of September. 

It's possible the MEGA=PDF reward will be delivered as 2-3 separate digital downloads. The file has, so far, been too large for Backerkit to process. They're working on the issue on their end but if their developers can't solve the problem, we'll just break it up into smaller chunks.

So hang in there and keep your eyes peeled, gang! 

In other news...

My pal PHIL SMITH has launched a campaign for his project BRIK JONES: ATTORNEY FOR EARTH and I personally think you should give it a look. 

Phil is one of the best designers in the field; if you backed any of the Dreadstar projects from Ominous Press, for instance, you already know how great he is. But he's also talented in many other ways and you can learn that for yourselves by checking out Brik. 

His campaign page will tell you more about the project much better than I can because Phil does everything better than I do. So give it a look HERE if you're into SCI-FI with a clever twist!

Thanks, guys. Keep an eye out for those surveys this week. I'll drop you another note to remind you when they're sent out.

Your pal,

Keith Champagne